nature trails

美 [ˈneɪtʃər treɪlz]英 [ˈneɪtʃə(r) treɪlz]
  • n.观景小径
  • nature trail的复数
nature trailsnature trails

nature trails


  • 1
    N-COUNT (乡村的)观景小径,自然小径
    A nature trail is a route through an area of countryside which has signs drawing attention to interesting animals, plants, or rocks.

  1. Nature trails along pristine mountain streams will provide the most natural of settings for family outings .


  2. As for my hobbies , they are mostly music and computers , I suppose . I enjoy bike riding and nature trails , also .


  3. Pack a picnic . Ride bikes . Go on a hike . Walk the nature trails . Play Frisbee golf . Bird watch . Look for wildlife tracks . Try geocaching . Play photographer .


  4. The Visitor Centre has displays and exhibitions based on nature conservation , information on nature trails , guided walks , and events .
